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Kindergym is an exceptional program to get your child moving and developing from an early age, providing a strong base for all educational and sporting activities into the future.


Our program operated from our Windsor Centre covers all the innate movement patterns and develops movement patterns which encourage connection and growth of the human body, incorporating brain development and cognitive improvements.


During a kindergym class children will practice all Dominant Movement Pattern motions, including rolling, swinging, static shape, landing, spring and locomotion, where they can explore and feel comfortable in their body in a safe & inviting environment.

Children and families will also interact with other families, forming a community. We have families still involved within our community that have been around for 16+ years!


  • ​Parents must check in with the administration when entering

  • Parent participation/assistance is required through ENTIRE duration of the class.

  • Siblings in KG classes that are not booked in must sit on the side and parent must provide something for them to do while the class is running. They are not covered by our insurance if they are not booked in the class.

  • MGC does not provide a child-care service. Our classes are designed for parents and children to work together in the class. This implies that parents are listening to the coaches’ instructions and assisting with their children, supervising their children and ensuring they are paying attention and trying each activity. We find that parents who do not participate fully not only impact negatively on other families’ participation but also that of their own child


Read more about the stages of Kindergym, below:

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1-3 Year Old Kindergym
Mondays to Fridays 9.30am to 10.15am

Encourages play and exploration where the child will be guided through the circuit with the help of coaches and parents. Parent participation in this class is compulsory. This is a great chance for the parents and children to bond through exercise. This class consists of: Welcome and warm up, Hand apparatus activity and exercise, Mini and large circuit exploration, Bar work (using uneven and high bar, rings, wall ladder and P-Bars), Trampoline fun (using tumbletrak and trampolines), Parachute, bubbles, sparkles and stickers & Goodbye song.

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3-5 Year Old Kindergym
Mondays to Fridays 10.30am to 11.15am

Involves more structured play, incorporating group time, more advanced skills and activities. Parent participation is compulsory though students are encouraged to be more independent. This class consists of: Welcome and warm ups, Hand apparatus activity and exercise, Mini and large circuit exploration, Weekly 'star skill' to be completed in your Gymnastics Australia Passport and "posted" in the mailbox, Bar work (using uneven and high bars), Trampoline fun (using tumbletrak and trampolines), Parachute, bubbles, sparkles and stickers & Goodbye song.

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Pre Rec AM (4-5 Year Old Kindergym)
Mondays to Fridays 11.30am to 12.30pm

Throughout the 4- 5 year old class, the children will begin to perfect gymnastic skills. Using smaller and more intricate circuits formats the basic gymnastic skills will become more apparent to the children. This class will also incorporate a sticker each week where the children receive a sticker to collect on completion to add to their sticker sheet certificate (which is awarded at the completion of the term). In preparation for school, group warm up and parent’s participation is no longer required. Parents are most welcome to watch the progression of their children throughout the term. This class consist of: Welcome and warm up, Hand apparatus activity and exercise, Mini and large circuit exploration, Weekly 'star skill' to be completed, Bar work (using uneven and high bars), Trampoline fun (using tumbletrak and trampolines).

© 2020 by MGC

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