To all our wonderful MGC families,
We hope you are continuing to stay well and are finding new ways to connect with friends and family during this interesting and challenging time.
We have been thoroughly enjoying connecting with our community online and cannot wait until we can see everyone at our gyms again sharing the joy of gymnastics with us.
With the announced easing of restrictions, the MGC team has been hard at work planning our return to gymnastics, which mirrors the plan recently set out by the government.
Currently, our centres remain closed with online classes in place, however Step 2 of the government’s easing of restrictions enables us to see a return to our gyms for our competitive athletes. Step 3 will allow all programs to commence with certain restrictions in place.
MGC will begin to re-open from Monday 22 June from our Windsor location, however not all programs will commence on this date. Online classes conclude Saturday 20 June.
We have included the key details below about the phased reopening of our programs. MGC members should expect emails relevant to their program with more information to help you plan for the exciting return to gymnastics.
MAG, WAG and Gymstart Competitive:
Classes and training sessions will commence with a maximum of 20 people in the gym at one time from 22 June. Windsor and SGC will be the only venues opening. Athletes will participate in an 8-week increased loading schedule with changes to all squad structures and athlete groups.
We are pleased to say that our Kindergym program will commence at Windsor in a limited capacity from 22 June also.
Due to limits on people attending our gyms, Recreational programs will commence when the government announces step 3. We hope this to be in Term 3.
With much consideration and discussion, the uncertainty of access to our gym in Wesley College, along with the financial implications the crisis has had on MGC, we have had to make the extremely tough decision that we will be not be continuing the MGC Adults program.
We are currently working on an updated timetable which will be made available shortly.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email info
We look forward to seeing you online and in person at our gyms soon!